Thursday, January 6, 2011

Eco-Friendly Laundry Tips

Okay so here are a few earth friendly tips for when you do laundry. I've tried them all and recommend them highly!

1. Dryer Sachets- I was stunned when I learned that most dryer sheets are made from Animal Fat aka. Tallow! Apparently, that is what makes your laundry soft. Another reason why most people buy them is for the "fresh/clean" scent. Well, I have discovered an easy way to leave your laundry smelling great without the animal by-products.

Just cut an old washcloth into a square and add 5 drops of the essential oil of your choice and throw them in the dryer with your wet clothes. I LOVE lavender. Your clothes come out smelling fresh, clean and lightly scented.

2. Static Cling-an easy way to get rid of static cling is to ball up a piece of aluminum foil and throw it in the dryer! Its easy and won't catch fire! I've used it several times and never had a problem.

3. Fabric Softener-an easy way to soften clothes is to add a quarter cup of baking soda during the wash cycle. I personally like having a store bought fabric softener. I looked for a biodegradable brand. I discovered a brand at my local grocery store (Bi-lo) called Full Circle. I am so pleased that more and more grocery chains are getting into the Organic movement.

Just remember: when choosing laundry products, try to use biodegradable products whenever possible. All of that soap you use everyday has to go somewhere so be kind to the Earth! Also recycle the bottle when you are done!

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